Communications Specialist | Campaigner

The UK’s duty to end plastic pollution at home and abroad

Plastic pollution isn’t just an environmental issue; it’s an issue of justice and equity. Marginalized communities and those living near plastic production and waste sites bear the brunt of this crisis, facing disproportionate health risks and economic burdens. A recent report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Azul highlights the urgent need to address this environmental injustice.

The Strasbourg Ruling: A landmark in climate justice in Europe

In a landmark ruling against Switzerland that resonates beyond its borders, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) declaration recognises that European nations bear a legal duty to safeguard their citizens against the perils of climate change. The decision marks another pivotal moment in global climate litigation, amplifying the voices of those demanding urgent action to combat the climate crisis.

Water poverty still exists in the UK – how can we achieve water justice?

Water, the essence of life, is a symbol of equity, sustainability, and the fight against systemic disparities. Understanding water justice is not just about access to clean water; on a larger scale, it is about acknowledging the profound impact of water on marginalised communities and the environment as a whole.

If university researchers feel disempowered about climate action what hope is there for everyone else?

University researchers in the UK feel disempowered about climate action despite wanting to do more for climate action, shows new research led by Briony Latter of the Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST) and the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research.